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More than a private boat hire in Crete

Additional Services

Chania  PrivateBoats  can offer a range of additional services to enhance the overall customer experience, such as: catering, photography, transfer, Dj, snorkelling equipment rental, etc... 

Catering Service
  • Catering services: Providing high-quality food and drinks to customers during their boat trip can enhance their experience and add value to their trip

  • Snorkeling equipment rental: Offering snorkeling equipment for customers to rent during their boat trip can allow them to explore the underwater world and enhance their experience.

  • Private transportation: Providing private transportation services to and from the port of the private boat can enhance the convenience and comfort of customers.

  • Onboard music and entertainment: Providing a DJ or live music can enhance the overall atmosphere of the boat trip and provide customers with a memorable experience.

  • Guided tours: Offering guided tours to historical sites and landmarks during the boat trip can enhance customers' knowledge of the local area and provide them with a unique experience.

Vip Ride
chania boat photography
  • Photography services: Offering professional photography services during the boat trip can provide customers with lasting memories of their experience and help them relive their experience in the future.

We also have a boat booking platform in Corfu and a boat booking service in Athens, should you decide to visit these locations.

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